Per the Deed restrictions, Boats, Trailers and RVs cannot be parked in a home’s driveway; short periods of time, to load and unload, or overnight, if the Boat, etc. is moved the next morning, are exceptions to this restriction.
The streets in London Towne are all Public Streets, owned and maintained by the City of Corpus Christi, so report any and all street problems to the City of Corpus Christi Customer Call Center at 311 or 361-826-2489, or use the City’s 311 App.
As our streets in London Towne are public streets, parking along the curb in front of a home is permissible, by any member of the public. Storage of cars, etc. on a public street is, however, not permissible.
The fields immediately surrounding London Towne are future units of London Towne; please report any issues with these fields to the HOA, which will be forwarded to the landowner.
Loud noises, including barking dogs, loud music, unsightly yards and trash are all violations of City Code , call the City of Corpus Christi Customer Call Center at 311. Code Enforcement is responsible for reviewing and resolving such problems.
London Pirate Road is a City street and so the City is responsible for its maintenance.
The City will build the sidewalk when London Pirate Road is built to its ultimate size of 75’, as London Pirate Road is a City Collector street. The City is likely to build the street using bonds, and at this time, there is no plan to build the street.
Until recently, LISD was not part of the City of CC and so no sidewalk was required.
A portion of the land is owned by LISD, and the rest is owned by a private land owner, and is set aside for the growth of London Towne.
The land adjacent to the present pavement is owned by the City of Corpus Christi.
The private land owners adjacent to the road gave land to the city for the widening of the road. On the LondonTowne side of the road, the private land starts where the telephone/utility poles are located.